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And the Winner Is...

""Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on." - Samuel Butler

And the Winner Is...

It's Academy Awards time, so one can't help but think of recent movies one has enjoyed.  Now I am not a sophisticated movie buff (after all I loved Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Once Upon a Time in Mexico"); but, because of Bonnie's influence, I do tend to appreciate finding good non-hyped movies.  Here are some of our recent non-mainstream favorites.

"The Triplets of Belleville" -- a creative animated cartoon about a boy in France prepared by his grandmother to race in the Tour de France.  Don't let the first three minutes discourage you, it's brilliant.

"Monsoon Wedding" -- the chaos of preparations for an arranged wedding with humor, drama, great music and scenes of life in New Delhi.

"Kolya" -- an out of work cellist plays for funerals, beds married women, and ends up having to care for a boy.  Nice treatment of their developing relationship.

"Songcatcher" -- a talented music professor from England visits her sister in Appalachia and discovers a music treasure trove.

"Migratory Birds" -- who would think . . . a documentary about birds flying north and south.  But the cinematography is spectacular.  You will get hooked.

"Nowhere in Africa" -- a Jewish family emigrates to Kenya just before World War II and, despite their initial resistance, learn to love their new home.

"Amelie"  -- delightfully offbeat and clever story of a women's sheltered life and where it leads.  

We look forward to hearing about your favorite sleeper movies.

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