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Helping Each Other Cope

Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.
Dalai Lama

Dear Exchange Community,

As we begin another week together, here are strategies readers of ExchangeEveryDay have shared with me that they have found helpful in coping with the challenges (and opportunities) the early childhood field is currently facing:

1. Just breathe
Each day, practice calm, deep breathing for at least three minutes. Breathe in through your nose for a count of five; hold for a count of five; breathe out through your mouth for a count of five. Here’s why this is helpful:

Our brains have been wired to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol when a threat is perceived. This was great when it gave us the energy to run away from a saber toothed tiger, but it’s not so helpful if we’re flooded with these “fight or flight” chemicals whenever we think of coronavirus. Deep breathing helps us dissipate these unneeded chemicals from our system.

2. Sing
Sing every day, especially in the morning, shortly after waking up. Research tells us singing is not only good for our emotional well-being, but it also improves cognitive functioning and feelings of alertness. Oh, and it can lower cortisol levels.

3. Limit News Consumption
Discipline yourself to only check news once a day.

4. Bedtime Routines
Keep a schedule so you try to go to sleep and wake up about the same time each day.

5. Ramp Up Grooming
Once a week make an effort to wear something you especially like - even if you’re not going anywhere. Putting some effort into your appearance can boost your mood.

6. Healthy Eating
Pay extra attention to eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and be cautious about how much you drink, if you do.

7. Gratitude
Each day say out loud three things you are grateful for, paying special attention to “small” blessings that actually may be more important than we think.

From all of us at Exchange, we hope at least one of these tips will give you a boost this week. We continue to marvel at your strength of heart and commitment to children.

Thank you,
Nancy Rosenow, Exchange Publisher

Constructive Playthings - Inspire Imagination.

Gryphon House - Don't Look Away.

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