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Great Parent Communication Strategies

Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.
Roger Crawford

In the book, Art of Leadership: Engaging Families in Early Childhood Organizations, Margie Carter shares these strategies for creating "the kind of communication we all long for" with families:

"1. Introduce Parents to a New Quality of Knowing
...With an active practice of creating individual children's portfolios and documentation displays charting evolving understandings, skills, and curriculum projects, there is a smoother flow of communication and a growing sense of community among parents...

2. Parents Introduce Themselves with Documentation Displays
...I've heard several wonderful examples of programs getting parents involved in creating documentation displays about some aspect of their family life...

3. Create Dialogue in Newsletters, on Bulletin Boards
Rather than limit our precious bulletin board space and routine newsletters to announcements and fluffy news, why not turn them in avenues of dialogue between parents and staff?.....

4. Post Questions Rather than Reports
To help parents apply what we know about building verbal expression in children, try posting an open-ended question, rather than a report, on the classroom door at the end of the day. For instance, if you had a pet snake visit the classroom, suggest to parents: 'Ask your children what animals they think make good pets.'...

5. Spread the News of Successful Partnerships
There are always parents who go out of their way to build a relationship with their child’s caregivers, who eagerly seek out advice and work closely to maintain consistency between home and their child care center. As you recognize this happening, ask if you can share this story with others…

Softerware - How to Set Prices for Your Child Care Services

Early Childhood Investigations Webinars.

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