If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.
-Rachel Carson
The popular book, Caring Spaces, Learning Places, written by Jim Greenman and revised by Mike Lindstrom, discusses two areas of early childhood classrooms that can often be improved and, in so doing, help positively impact the over-all aesthetics and emotional feel of the space. These questions are provided to help educators assess their own spaces:
- "Analyze [your] classroom visually and identify where storage needs are greatest. Where is storage overflowing?
- What changes in the storage would improve the overall classroom aesthetic?
- Make a list of typical display needs for [your] center: item, audience, possible locations. What would enhance the display possibilities?” [The author lists a variety of choices: bulletin boards, homosote or cork panels, map rails, white boards, three-dimensional displays, kiosks, digital displays of scanned artwork, hanging displays, portfolio displays…]
Caring Spaces, Learning Places Use coupon code CARING for 25% off this title for a limited time
The newest revision of Caring Spaces, Learning Places is a book of ideas, observations, problems, solutions, examples, resources, photographs, and poetry. Here you will find current thinking about children's environments to challenge, stimulate, and inspire you.
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May not be combined with any other offer. Offer expires April 6, 2022, at 11:59 pm PST.
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