In his book, The Soul of Leadership, Deepak Chopra writes, “Leaders bring out the best in others, but successful visionaries go even further; they form lasting emotional bonds. They are the kinds of leaders we hold in our hearts. When people are emotionally bonded to you, they want to have contact with you. They want to be of service and share in your vision. Deep motivation then develops. True, lasting loyalties are formed.”
And in the book, Art of Leadership: Leading Early Childhood Organizations, Roger Neugebauer writes about twelve reasons people love to work for leaders, including one reason that is similar to Chopra’s: “You believe in people from day one.” He explains: “Your attitude about a person can have a significant dampening or buoying impact on their self-confidence. When you believe a person has the potential to succeed, and when you believe that a person has a desire to succeed, your support can make a difference.”
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