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Writing as a Form of Communication: Boulder Journey School's In-School Mail System

by Allison Moore and Jessy Taylor
July/August 2009
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/writing-as-a-form-of-communication-boulder-journey-schools-in-school-mail-system/5018851/

Boulder Journey School is a private preschool of over 200 children, ages 6 weeks to 6 years, and their families. Since 1995, Boulder Journey School educators have been engaged in the study of the renowned schools for young children in Reggio Emilia, Italy (Hinckle, 1991). The educators in Reggio Emilia view education not as “a pre-set curriculum but a process of inviting and sustaining learning” (Gandini, 1993). As a result of our collaboration with educators in Reggio Emilia and with educators around the world who are inspired by the schools in Reggio Emilia, many aspects of our life at Boulder Journey School have evolved, among them our thinking about the school as a place of research that includes:

• Observation and documentation of children’s experiences
• Interpretation of the meaning of these experiences based on our knowledge of child development
• Reflection on the many ways that the experiences can be extended.

Writing as a form of communication

The faculty of Boulder Journey School has engaged in ongoing research surrounding the impact of writing as a form of communication versus writing as an activity or skill. In doing so, we have made a conscious decision to consider letters of the alphabet as elements ...

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