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Jane realizes that she has been spending more and more time helping the three and four year olds in her class figure out how and where to sit during circle time. After realizing that her efforts to deal with the problems on a case-by-case basis are not lessening the problem, she has the following meeting with the children:Teacher: I've noticed a problem that I think you all can help to figure out. Every day when we get together for circle time it seems like a lot of you have a hard time deciding how to sit. You often get really annoyed with each other and I get grumpy, too. Sometimes we can't even finish what we wanted to do.
Henry: Yeah. I never can see the pictures so I stand up.
Jake: But you can't stand up. I can't see.
Robin: And you can't sit on your side either! You still can't see.
Karma: Some kids lie down and take up all the room.
Sebbie: I don't lie down. It hurts my neck to look at the pictures.
Teacher: So you know what I mean about our problem finding a way to ...