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Ways Forward: The International Working Group on Peace Building with Young Children

July/August 2007
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/ways-forwardthe-international-working-group-on-peace-building-with-young-children/5017602/

This book has presented the stories of a range of people working with young children and caregivers in areas affected by conflict. Through their experiences and perspectives we have found that, while each situation is unique, there are still a number of underlying issues and lessons to be drawn that are common to all contexts to varying degrees. These key lessons were drawn out in the last chapter. The purpose of this final chapter is to explore possible ways forward. In particular, the chapter describes the development, current work, and future plans of the International Working Group on Peace Building with Young Children. It tells the story of how a loosely connected group of individuals who were working with young children and their families in regions experiencing or emerging from conflict turned into a force reaching beyond local, regional, and national boundaries. The chapter identifies the key process steps that underpinned the successful formation of the International Working Group and then describes the current aims and objectives of the International Working Group and its future plans to support the early childhood sector and address the key lessons identified in the last chapter.

Early childhood professionals working together

The formation and work of ...

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