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Way Beyond Chicken Soup: Caring For and About Ill Employees

by Pauline Davey Zeece
November/December 1992
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/way-beyond-chicken-soup-caring-for-and-about-ill-employees/5008817/

What Personnel Handbooks Never Tell You

They don't tell you about eye contact
and how easily it slips away
when a woman who lost a breast
says, "They didn't get it all."

You can find essays on motivation
but the business schools
don't teach what the good manager says
to keep people taking up the slack
while someone else steals a little more time
at the hospital.

There's no help from those tapes
you pop into the player while you drive or jog.
They'd never get the voice right.

And this poem won't help either.
You just have to figure out for yourself,
and don't ever expect to do it well.

From: Love and Profit: The Art of Caring Leadership
by James A. Autrey (William Morrow & Company, 1991).

Understanding Illness in Child Care Settings

There is little else that tests the human fabric of a child care program or the stamina of a director like an experience with a seriously or terminally ill employee. By its definition, child care work is characterized as a compassionate and caring endeavor. The very nature of this business suggests that people of all ages (and their feelings) matter. Thus, the serious or terminal illness of a staff member presents a wealth of challenges and opportunities for an administrator. ...

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