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The Director’s Toolbox for Including Children with Special Needs

by Linda Barker and Roberta Goldberg
January/February 2012
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/the-directors-toolbox-for-including-children-with-special-needs/5020380/

Directors of early childhood programs are the ‘frontline’ for parents seeking admission for their children with identified special needs. In addition, developmental and behavioral issues that emerge after a child is enrolled in a program quickly come to the director’s attention. Determining who can be included at a site, how to prepare the physical space and the staff for their inclusion, and how best to serve these children can be overwhelming. Directors face tremendous challenges trying to balance the financial realities of keeping an early care and education site viable, while also recognizing staff’s abilities to work with all children. All of these considerations weigh heavily on directors who have a heart for children and want to include and help them if they can.

The Frostig Consultation Department has worked over the past 30 years consulting and providing professional development in small and large child care centers, Head Start and Early Head Start centers, as well as with family child care providers as they meet the challenge of including children with special needs in their settings. Through this experience, we have developed several user-friendly tools that have proven helpful to directors and staff as they face tough enrollment or inclusion decisions.

Inclusion Considerations ...

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