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Tara and Lily

by Tara Schroder
September/October 2021
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/tara-and-lily/5026155/

Me:  Lily, what brings you joy?

Lily:  This box.

Me:  What about this box brings you joy or makes you happy?

Lily:  Building with it.

Me:  What do you like to build?

Lily:  Forts.

Me:  Where do you like to build?

Lily:  Outside.

Me:  Did you play outside and build, today?

Lily:  Yes, at school, and it was Mud Day and it was the best day ever!

Lily, my 3-year-old, attends Dimensions Education Programs in Lincoln, Nebraska. Dimensions provides a hands-on, experiential approach to learning that is based on the needs and curiosity of young children. I am beyond grateful for Lily’s outdoor experiences, as well as those that my 1-year-old daughter Faye have already had, and the joy it brings them… and me. As a parent, watching my two daughters connect with the world around them is a true joy in my life.

There is something so beautiful and humbling about the way a child can connect to a moment in life and carry it with them. I, too, tend to relish the daily wonders I encounter. I embrace enthusiasm for the simple things, like jumping in puddles or dancing in the rain.

After 14 years of supporting Dimensions Foundation’s mission, most ...

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