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Small Space Made Natural

by Rusty Keeler
November/December 2009
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/small-space-made-natural/5019066/

I know what you are thinking: You love natural playscapes. You dream of providing your children with the opportunities to play and discover the world of nature. But you just don’t have the space. You don’t have the right conditions. You don’t have sunlight or you don’t get enough rain. Don’t let that stop you! Centers all over the world are looking at their outdoor spaces �" big and small �" and deciding to take the plunge and begin to add natural elements to their yards. It doesn’t take the perfect piece of land or picture-perfect conditions to be able to make beautiful changes to your outdoor space. All it takes is some creativity and helping hands. You can do it. This group did.

‘City Kids’ is a child care center for infants through preschool-age children located right in the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon. Busy streets, tall buildings, lots of hustle-bustle. Their outdoor space: truly challenging. Small. Entirely covered by the building. Open on only one side. Glass windows on the other side. And a concrete slab base for a floor. Yet, when it was time to renovate their outdoor play area, the staff decided they wanted to create a natural ...

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