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Program Practices that Support Intentionality in Teaching

by Pam Schiller
January/February 2009
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/program-practices-that-support-intentionality-in-teaching/5018557/

The key to being intentional is simply the act of ­thinking before doing. Intentional teachers think about all aspects of the learning environment from the arrangement of the classroom to the delivery of instruction prior to acting. Intentional teachers ­continue thinking as they move through the routines of their day. They are ‘fully present’ with students �" giving thoughtful responses to the many questions and comments that occur spontaneously throughout the day. They are constantly monitoring their ­curriculum and are willing to make adaptations to lessons that fall short of gaining children’s interest or do not have relevance.

Intentional teachers are knowledgeable about what constitutes ‘best’ practice in the early childhood ­classroom. They focus on developmental domains because they understand that domains define the way that children develop and are the foundation for ­lifetime learning. They make sure that students have daily experiences that support their physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and linguistic development. Intentional teachers weave content information ­(literacy, math, science, and so forth) into ­developmental domains as opposed to focusing on these areas at the expense of developmental domains.

Teaching is an art, using instinct and intuition, but it is also a science, requiring knowledge of research finding related to ...

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