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Numero Uno

by Dennis Vicars
September/October 2008
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/numero-uno/5018322/

The last two “Management Maxims” have dealt with planning and budgeting to achieve your school/center’s financial success. I think we all agree that just keeping the lights on tomorrow and then the next day is simply not good enough �" our children, families, and staff deserve so much more. A financial plan, not unlike a lesson plan, gives us a map and offers contingencies and tools to measure our progress along the way. Budgeting allows us to pull the future into the present and follow the path before us to achieve our bottom line goals.

As we all know there are numerous ways for us to reach that bottom line, much of it based on our own personal business (and life) philosophies. I, for one, have always worked under the philosophy of win-win. I cannot win unless I am giving you what you need to win. Likewise, I believe in living from abundance not scarcity. Too often I have observed schools/centers become cheap in their attempt to reach their targets. Instead of driving their top line or revenue, they’d prefer to squeeze the middle of the Profit and Loss Statement to achieve their goals. I am by no means suggesting that line ...

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