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Nine Questions for the Dedicated Board MemberExchange Evaluation Instrument
1. Do you understand your responsibilities as a board member?
Being a board member is not an honorary position-it entails serious obligations. The board of directors of a non profit corporation bears final responsibility for the direction and control of the organization. This involves setting goals and policies, overseeing administration, evaluating performance, and monitoring finances.
2. Is the board well organized to accomplish its responsibilities?
As volunteers, most board members can only devote a limited amount of time to board work. Therefore, it is imperative that their time be spent effectively. Most of the work of the board should take place in active committees with staff support. Meetings of committees and the full board should keep on task with the majority of time devoted to issues of the highest priority.
3. Is there an ongoing board development process?
The board should have in place an ongoing effort to recruit new board members who are committed to the goals of the organization and who bring to the board a full range of skills and perspectives. New members should have the opportunity to participate in a thorough orientation on the activities and structure of the organization and ...