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New CPSC Standards Require Replacing All Cribs in Child Care Programs

by Eric Karolak
May/June 2011
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/new-cpsc-standards-require-replacing-all-cribs-in-child-care-programs/5019980/

Most Exchange readers know the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) through its product recalls. CPSC is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death from some 15,000 products, including cribs, toys, and a host of other products used in early childhood and school-age programs. Smart early childhood professionals act on those recalls promptly, working in partnership with the CPSC to keep children safe.

CPSC also issues product safety standards which specify for manufacturers and retailers the minimum requirements for a product to be safely designed, manufactured, and sold. Recently, CPSC adopted a new crib safety standard that, in an unusual precedent, will require all cribs in child care and other early learning settings to be replaced with cribs that meet the new standard for safety by the end of 2012.

New crib standards

In December 2010, CPSC approved new mandatory standards for infant cribs. Manufacturers and retailers are prohibited from making or selling non-compliant cribs after June 28, 2011. “What is so important to know about these new rules is that they are broader than what has been mentioned in the press or talked about in the child care community,” says Scott Wolfson, Director of the Office ...

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