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Motivating Staff

by Sue Baldwin
January/February 2007
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/motivating-staff/5017340/

When you started in your current position as director, did you receive a job description that included “motivate staff”? Probably not. However, experienced directors report that having a motivated staff is vital for having a quality program.

Within this article you will be able to read about how different people are handling this topic; a list of dos and don’ts; and specific suggestions that are recommended for your consideration.

When exploring the topic of motivating staff by interviewing staff, students, and directors; reading articles in books, magazines, and the Internet; and reviewing material that I use when offering training and consulting, I have come up with various techniques that are effective with early care and education professionals at various stages of their development.

All of the following people (who are currently working in child care at different levels) were asked the same question: “What is it that motivates you in your job?”

Nancy (who has been working as a preschool teacher for two years): “I do not need my director to say anything or do anything to motivate me. If I end the day feeling good about what I have done with the children, then I feel good about my job. I do not ...

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