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It is not uncommon that in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of caring for our charges, dealing with parents’ concerns, maneuvering through funding streams, assuring compliance with licensing requirements, and mediating staff squabbles, the very reason that we do what we do, is sometimes lost �" or at least clouded by Excedrin headache number five. In using the word reason, we are not addressing your personal motivation as a professional in wanting to shape young lives, though that too can be affected, but we are addressing the collective motivation of your organization.At both levels, personal and organizational, the wellspring of what motivates us to reach our goals is the desire to make a difference in the lives of the children entrusted to our care. As early childhood specialists we successfully combine our personal interest in working with children with knowledge acquired from an abundance of literature on current child development theory and practice. However, developing a comparable organizational under-pinning �" a collective agency vision that inspires and justifies our work �" is often not as easily achieved.
This article focuses on how to develop and shape a mission statement that reflects this collective vision and that will serve your organization well in ...