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Lifting as You Climb

by Debra R. Sullivan
March/April 2009
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/lifting-as-you-climb/5018606/

At our Exchange Panel of 300 Reception in Dallas, Texas, last November, we had very interesting conversations about leadership and several key themes emerged. This will be the first of a series of articles addressing those leadership themes and answering leadership questions presented to Exchange by the Panel members who attended the reception. There is an old proverb that encourages us to lift as we climb: “While you climb a mountain, you must not forget others along the way.” With that in mind, it is not surprising that one of the recurring themes was mentoring. Here are some of the questions about mentoring that came up as we talked:

• What is a mentor and how do we identify mentor leaders?
• How do we grow leaders in early childhood programs?
• How do we get more people of color into leadership positions?
• How do we coordinate career development and mentoring?
• How do we support leadership in various positions within a center or program?
• What are some ‘Next Steps’ to growing more leadership through mentoring?

What is a mentor and how do we identify mentor leaders?

A mentor can be many things to someone interested in developing as a leader:

• A mentor can be ...

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