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Aromas - warm chocolate chip cookies, spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove, bread hot from the oven - like magic flying carpets can quickly transport us to another time, another place - Grandma's kitchen, a romantic dinner, lunch time in child care. As we work to make our child care programs warm, homelike places for children and adults to spend their days together, it is important that we focus on the sensual pleasures and learning experiences that center around mealtimes and the kitchen. We must look to the cooks and chefs of our programs as instrumental forces in creating a nurturing environment for children.Cook as Fundraiser
Mabel Mashita, Kitchen Manager
Seagull Schools, Inc., Kailua, Hawaii
During her 20 years with the Seagull Schools in Kailua, Hawaii, Mabel Mashita has focused her considerable culinary skills and boundless energy toward making life better for others, especially the children. "I have chosen this career because of my love of children and my love of cooking. It pleases me to see these children enjoy my cooking. When I hear that the children enjoyed my meal so much that they requested a second serving, it reassures me that I have made the right commitment ...