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"Star light, star bright, . . .""Ring around the rosey, pockets full of posies . . ."
"The farmer in the dell . . ."
Do you remember singing these simple songs from childhood? If the first part of a familiar song text is given, most of us will finish singing the song, even if we sing it only in thought! As grownups, we may remember the joy experienced while singing and playing musical games with our friends. Often as we hum these melodies, we think of other songs we learned during our early school years, and we realize that we can still sing many of these from memory! I wonder if singing many songs and experiencing other essential benefits music provides will be possible for the majority of our 15 million preschoolers today.
MUSIC! How can children learn or live without it? Music educators have known for years that quality music experiences enhance listening; invite intuitive and steady beat responses; and aid learning of vocabulary, sound and pitch discrimination, emotional responses, creative responses, memory, and many hours of fun for our wee ones. What powerful links to learning might we use within the many aspects of music? It appears that the first three ...