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The leadership style of the director of a child care center is perhaps the most potent factor influencing organizational effectiveness. The director must create an environment based on mutual respect in which individuals work together to accomplish collective goals. The success of this endeavor rests in large part on the director's ability to balance organizational needs with individual needs. The research in this area suggests that leaders who head the most effective organizations tend to be those that apply a transactional leadership style - an ability to adjust their style to the demands of each situation so that both organizational needs and individual needs are met.The assessment tool that follows was adapted from the work of Blake and Mouton (1969), Getzels and Guba (1957), Giammatteo (1975), Hersey and Blanchard (1982), and Reddin (1970). It assesses three different leadership styles: the task-oriented style emphasizing organizational needs; the people-oriented style focusing on people and their individual needs; and the transactional style stressing an appropriate emphasis on both the center's needs and the individual worker's needs depending on the situation.
Distribute the "My Director . . ." questionnaire and a blank envelope to each individual who works at the center ...