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How to Be Bullish on Marketing Child Care in a Challenging Economy

by Julie Wassom
September/October 1992
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/how-to-be-bullish-on-marketing-child-care-in-a-challenging-economy/5008715/

It's 1992. The economy is stressed, at best. Some of your parents have fallen into the pool of rising unemployment, forcing them to seek alternate forms of child care. The com-petition continues to invade your potential market share, particularly the government sponsored and public school programs. Bad press raises parental anxiety and child care service expectations. It seems that enrollment has never been tougher to get and keep. "For profit centers and independent non profit centers, centers primarily dependent on parent fees, are experiencing the most serious enrollment problems" ("Dateline Child Care," Exchange, January/February 1992). In today's challenging marketplace, how do you market your school, maintain high enrollment, and continue to provide high quality care at an affordable fee?

Even in a challenging economy, some child care companies emerge as leaders. They have not merely been lucky, or discovered the magic elixir for enrollment building success. There is no magic, and the days of filling your child care center without really working at it are over. A common thread of success among all the child care leaders is that they employ the following five specific marketing directives for building enrollment in the ...

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