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How Infants and Toddlers are Affected by Violence

by Karen Miller
March/April 1995
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/how-infants-and-toddlers-are-affected-by-violence/5010269/

Dear Readers:

Greetings to the old subscribers to Caring for the Little Ones newsletter and new readers in Child Care Information Exchange. I'm excited that Caring for the Little Ones will now be a regular column in this fine and fun publication. Our focus will be serving infants, toddlers, and their parents well.

What will make this a lively and relevant piece in each issue will be the active involvement of readers. There are many ways you can participate. Our "Good Ideas" section will share simple activities, homemade toys, and organization tips. In the "Open Discussion" column, we will have an ongoing dialogue of opinions about issues that concern infant and toddler caregivers. "Giggles and Goosebumps" are most welcome! I'd also welcome ideas for topics we should cover. Please send all contributions directly to me at the address listed at the end of this article, along with the name of the caregiver so that I can give proper credit. Photographs can be either color or black and white prints, or slides. They will be returned to you (be sure to put your name and address on each).

One challenge will be getting this column ...

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