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Honoring the Life of Rebecca Kantor: Bridging Research and Practice

July/August 2021
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/honoring-the-life-of-rebecca-kantor/5026069/

Rebecca Kantor was a treasured member of our Exchange Bridging Research and Practice Advisory Team for over six years. We are saddened to share the news of her death on April 22, 2021. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Rochester and her doctorate from Boston University. She became a professor and chair of the department of education at The Ohio State University, where she led the lab school and worked for 27 years. Later, she joined the University of Colorado Denver as dean of the school of education and human development. Her expertise and passion for early childhood education, especially the educators who work in those contexts, was deeply appreciated by all of us at Exchange.

As the tribute in the University of Colorado Denver News reported, “Dean Kantor had an unbridled passion for reimaging the potential and future education of young children. She spent her entire professional career in roles that supported these goals, both as a teacher herself and as a university administrator. She developed programs and led projects to promote the competence and capability of educators and school leaders, always reaching out as
a visionary, partner and friend.”

Dean Kantor was a great leader ...

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