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Go Climb a Tree! The Benefits (and Joys) of Tree Climbing in an Early Child Care Setting: Bridging Research and Practice

by Carla Gull, Tricia Rosengarten, and Suzanne Levenson Goldstein
July/August 2021
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/go-climb-a-tree!-the-benefits-and-joys-of-tree-climbing-in-an-early-child-care-setting/5026064/

Bridging Research and Practice 

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Tree climbing has long been a favorite childhood activity with many potential benefits. However, due to liability, safety awareness, access to climbable trees, and restricted time outdoors, many children are not allowed to participate in this typical childhood activity. In many early childhood settings, such as family child care programs, preschools, nature preschools, and elementary schools, educators and administrators have found ways to embrace tree climbing, as they recognize the benefits outweigh the risks. 


Tree climbing limitations hit home when the co-author, Carla Gull, found tree climbing was restricted in her rural county parks. This sparked a deeper dive into the risks and benefits of tree climbing. With co-researchers Suzanne Levenson Goldstein and Tricia Rosengarten, we performed a formal research project with ...

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