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Fundraising Ideas that Work

by Roger Neugebauer
September/October 1995
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/fundraising-ideas-that-work/5010509/

Fundraising is often looked upon as a necessary evil in child care. Centers engage in fundraising to bring in the extra funds needed to ensure a basic level of quality.

But fundraising need not be a burden. A survey of Exchange Panel of 200 members disclosed many fundraisers that are not labor intensive, that are fun, that build team spirit, and that provide positive visibility.

This article will share a variety of panel members' successful fundraising ideas. In addition, it will provide some tips for success that you can use as guidelines in developing your fundraising plans. For more ideas and more in-depth advice on major fundraisers, you may find the Exchange publication, Guide to Successful Fundraising, helpful. You can order this $10 publication by using the order form opposite page 64 of this issue, or by calling in your credit card order to (800) 221-2864.


The most common form of fund-raisers is the sale of products or services to parents and community members. Such fundraisers can range from a thrift shop bringing in profits approaching $100,000 a year to a bake sale netting less than $100. However, no matter how large your project, you ...

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