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In an era of early learning standards, packaged curriculums, and state quality rating systems, many directors lament that the accountability movement has sapped the creativity out of their programs. They say their teachers feel constricted, as though their own good ideas just don’t matter anymore. Not true. In fact, it’s more vital than ever that we promote learning environments where staff find their own voice and become innovative in their work with children.But a spirit of creativity and vibrancy in programs doesn’t just happen; it has to be cultivated. As director, you are in an influential role to rev up your center’s creativity quotient. Your words and your actions can encourage or stifle experimentation and your teachers’ willingness to look at their classroom practices in new and innovative ways. So how can you help bring those sparks of creativity back into your program? It all comes down to being intentional about providing the time, the physical space, and the emotional climate to create a work environment where new ideas can flourish. Here are some things to think about.
Tilling the Soil So Ideas Can Germinate
When we think of creativity, notables like Edison and Einstein usually come to mind. But everyone has ...