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Empowering Images: Using Photography as a Medium to Develop Visual Literacy

ITEM #: 4400218

What's In This Kit?
Important: This training kit requires the use of digital cameras and the ability to print images (preferably color images). This training kit provides teachers with strategies on promoting children’s visual literacy through the use of photography. This training program contains the following components:

  • Expected training outcomes and learning objectives
  • Training research
  • Training models
  • Training benchmarks
  • Preparation and implementation steps
  • Handouts
  • The article “Empowering images: Using photography as a medium to develop visual literacy” by Alexandria Cruickshank
  • References
  • Resources
  • Training Certificate for Learner �" Certificate of Attendance and Participation

Who's the Target Audience?
The target audiences for this training kit are beginning and intermediate Learners who are working with preschoolers to school-agers. This kit is designed to help participants understand the concept of visual literacy and how photography can enhance learning in the classroom.

Teacher Skill Level
beginning intermediate advanced
Children's Age Level
infants toddlers preschoolers school-agers birth to 8

Kit Timeline:
Preparation time for this kit is estimated at 1.5 hours. Implementation and actual training time is 4.5 hours, which includes 2.0 hours of face-to-face training and 2.5 hours of independent study and an applied activity project.

Training Outcomes:

  1. Learner will define visual literacy and cite at least 2 reasons why it is an important skill for young children to develop.
  2. Learner will describe how photography can promote visual literacy.
  3. Learner will cite at least 2 ways to encourage children to use photography to document their learning.
  4. Learner will plan and implement a learning experience using photography to promote visual literacy.

These training outcomes address the following:

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children’s (NAEYC) Standards and Accreditation Performance Criteria (2005). www.naeyc.org. 2.A.08; 2.A.10; 2.E.03; 2.G.04; 2.G.05; 2.H.02; 2.H.03; 3.E.03; 4.D.08
  • Head Start Performance Standards (Federal Register, Nov. 5, 1-6, Volume 6), Number 215). www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/ohs/. 1304.21(a)(1)(i-iii); 1304.21(a)(4)(i-iv).
  • National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs, National Association of Child Care Professionals (2005). www.naccp.org. D11, D20.

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