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Docia Shares a Story - What is in a Name

by Docia Zavitkovsky
November/December 2005
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/docia-shares-a-story--what-is-in-a-name/5016687/

While driving through Maine last summer with my friend Betsy Hiteshew, I was struck by the names given to many of the early childhood programs we saw listed. Later I checked in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Atlanta and saw the same thing. I wondered, because I often couldn’t tell from the names, if the programs were licensed or accredited; had rich, quality, learning environments; were affordable, accessible, and developmentally appropriate in content; provided materials and equipment that fostered creativity, curiosity, discovery, imagination, and accomplishment; had adequate indoor and outdoor space for physical development, for housekeeping and dramatic play, for block building and dance; nurtured social and language ability; involved parents; were seen as an integral part of the community; were members of NAEYC or of a local early childhood association; and/or had qualified teachers and paid worthy salaries and benefits.

What do these names say to you? Big Bird Day Care Center, Itsy Bitsy Kid Kare, From Roots to Wings Early Childhood Center, Country Bumpkins Child Care, Puddle Jumpers Child Care and Preschool, Early Learning and Development Center, Kaleidoscope Day Care Center, Small Faces Child Development Center, Toddle Time Day Care Center, Neighborhood Child Development Center.

Whether you are in a child development ...

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