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Dear Reader - Your Crystal Ball

March/April 2012
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/dear-reader/5020406/

Does anyone out there have a reliable crystal ball? As the United States economy slowly bounces back from this recession, trying to follow the trends impacting child care is a major challenge. Here are just a few of the anomalies our field is facing:

• Large U.S. corporations are starting to make significant profits, but are not using these profits to boost employment.

• The standard 5 days a week, 9 to 5 work schedule is starting to become the exception, not the rule with more work performed part time, in shifts staggered over 7 days, and at home with odd hours.

• State initiatives, like Universal Pre-K and QRIS, which were building up momentum two years ago, are mostly on hold with uncertainty as to whether the momentum will ever be regained.

• With high unemployment, the pool of available teaching candidates has greatly expanded, while the demand for their services is flat at best.

• Employers committed to providing child care for their employees have put expansion plans on hold.

• Low interest rates make investing in growth more affordable than ever, but when will the demand for more child care return?

Keeping informed on the shifting economic scene will be increasingly important for all of ...

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