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Benefits of Strong Family/Caregiver CommunicationCommunication between families and caregivers is the essential link in quality, appropriate, culturally authentic care for young children. While there are many potential barriers to on-going, honest, two-way communication, its benefits to children, families, caregivers, and programs are unmistakable.
Respectful, effective communication with caregivers supports and empowers families. Parents feel valued, included, supported, and encouraged to be the best parents they can be. Children benefit in a multitude of ways. When children see their caregiver and parent talking comfortably and respectfully with each other, they feel safe and valued. When their caregiver and family members exchange information daily, children's care in both places becomes more consistent, integrated, and responsive. Caregivers reap the benefits because they can participate as part of a team;
their work is supported and acknowledged, and they can feel appreciated. In addition, having the necessary family and cultural information to offer children the best care possible allows caregivers greater job satisfaction.
What Families and Caregivers Each Know
Families and caregivers each bring specialized knowledge and experience about children to their partnership. Families know things about their children that caregivers don't. They hold the knowledge of their child's home, culture, family, extended family, and other important ...