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Caring for the Little Ones - Keep it Exciting

by Karen Miller
January/February 1999
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/caring-for-the-little-ones-keep-it-exciting/5012561/

I was recently asked to talk to a group of infant and toddler child care providers about how to keep their work interesting. My first thought was that watching and helping a new human being develop is the most exciting work there is. What do they mean? But on reflection I realized that the job does have the potential to become routine. Then I thought maybe the work doesn't look exciting to others. You don't have themes and artwork displayed; you don't do circle time when teachers get to perform and show off. In the infant and toddler rooms, the excitement and intrigue is more subtle. It's in the little things that happen.

The ideas reflected here come from conversations I've had with caregivers over the years as well as from our new network members. The ideas all involve staying aware of the big picture - remembering on a daily basis the critical importance of what you do in the lives of these little human beings and their families.

Make visual representations of your philosophy.

Most programs have a philosophy statement and/or a mission statement. How do these well-thought-out words actually come to life in your day-to-day interactions? Use photos or videos to illustrate ...

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