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Finding our Way Forward with Remote Learning: Bridging Research and Practice

by Angela Fowler
July/August 2020
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/bridging-research-and-practice-finding-our-way-forward-with-remote-learning/5025418/

Bridging Research and Practice 

The Bridging Research and Practice feature includes an article on an aspect of early childhood research, plus links to the original published research with a companion article full of practical strategies for how to implement the research in your practice.

We encourage you to nominate research for review by the Research Advisory Team by email: CK[email protected] and [email protected]
To learn more about the Advisory Team, visit: ExchangePress.com/research



The Deep End

In the spring of 2020, our world received a rude awakening. But amid this global crisis, the early childhood community stepped up. Many child care workers were asked to stay on the front lines of the crisis to care for the children of essential workers, all while their own incomes were diminishing. Other early childhood workers struggled to provide remote learning experiences to the millions of young children who were now at home due to closures. They stepped up as the world realized just how “essential” early care is to the workforce—maybe for the first time ever. In the true spirit of early childhood, teachers came up with solutions that were creative, clever, caring and flexible. They stepped up even though ...

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