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Using Collaborative Technology to Foster Social and Emotional Development: Bridging Research and Practice

by Donna Karno and Beth Hatcher
May/June 2021
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/bridging-r/5025958/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.

Bridging Research and Practice 

The Bridging Research and Practice feature includes an article on an aspect of early childhood research, plus links to the original published research with a companion article full of practical strategies for how to implement the research in your practice.

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How does children’s engagement with screen-based media and technology affect their development of emotional well-being and social relationships? Interest in the impact of technology on relationships sparked a recent research project at a university lab school in upper New England conducted by two researchers who studied the classroom use of a collaborative learning tool, Kaplan Early Learning Company’s Engage-2 © multi-touch table.*

A multi-touch table supports Computer Supported Collaborative Learning through a device specifically designed for several children to gather around the table and manipulate the screen simultaneously using pre-loaded, multi-directional apps. Three questions guided this exploratory, qualitative study (Karno & Hatcher, 2019, p. 3):

1. What is the nature of child-to-child interactions ...

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