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An Integrated Model of Care:

by Christa Griest
September/October 2010
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/an-integrated--model-of-care/5019545/

Young children need positive relationships, rich learning opportunities, and safe environments, not quick fixes or magic bullets. There are many ways to increase the availability of growth-promoting experiences for young children, in their homes and in a variety of child care or preschool settings, as long as programs are well implemented and match the needs of the children and families they serve. Core concepts of neuroscience and child development apply equally to all early childhood policies and practices, and do not vary depending on program category, administrative structure, or funding source.
�" Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University1

The SPARK Center

While The SPARK Center resides within one of Boston’s most urban communities, you wouldn’t know it getting there. Exiting off of Boston’s busy I-93 highway toward Mattapan, Massachusetts, you’re met with long stretches of rolling hills, vibrant green grass, trees, a quaint town center, and space �" a luxury in Boston. Amidst this setting, away from the traffic, you’ll find The SPARK Center, a cheery New England-style house with a red-striped roof.
At first glance, The SPARK Center appears to be like any other early childhood center: classrooms with names like ‘The Rainbows’; children’s splash-paint artwork displayed on the walls; infants, ...

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