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All About Biting

by Linda Crisalli
November/December 2008
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/all-about-biting/5018461/

As directors of early learning programs, we have to deal with a myriad of issues on a daily basis. One of the more frustrating things that come up from time to time is biting. Biting is particularly problematic because it tends to elicit such a strong response from caregivers, parents and other children. Those new little teeth are sharp, and biting really hurts. Most young children have scratches and bruises most of the time which come and go without much concern, but bite marks are something else altogether because they are so easily recognizable. If a human bite breaks the skin, there are all the risks inherent with exposure to body fluids.

Biting is a stage that many young children go through, and like other types of challenging behavior, it is often assumed that the child is by definition angry or frustrated. There are actually many different reasons why children bite, and with enough information, the problem can often be easily addressed. The first step is to reassure the staff, parents, and children who are likely to be complaining about the biting that you acknowledge that there is a problem and you are addressing it, while taking ...

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