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I once read that the game of business is very much like the game of tennis. Those who fail to master the basics of serving well, usually lose. What could be more basic than the first step of any business, whether it be early care and education, autos, or MP3 players, than that of serving the customer? In fact, isn’t that why you went into business? In baseball, nothing happens until the ball is thrown. In any business (with business defined as any enterprise where goods and services are exchanged for money), nothing happens until a customer is served. If this is the case, then why do so few businesses make it a priority?My guess is that if you were to survey 10 different businesses from a preschool to a clothing store and everything in between, every owner or manager would reply in the affirmative that they take customer service seriously. However, when you observe the interactions between the employees and paying customers, you see anything but a commitment to customer service.
So where do we begin in our quest for ‘absolute excellent service’? It begins with you, the owner or director, and a true, uncompromising, relentless pursuit of absolute excellent service ...