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“Be the change you want to see in the world.” These words of Mahatma Gandhi speak a powerful and disturbing message about change �" it must begin with us, with me.Although we can’t always determine solutions to challenges or foresee perfect outcomes, we can usually figure out steps to take, to begin. We can do it �" create change that is outward action, something we set in motion outside ourselves, something that we cause others to do. I can (and often do) come up with ideas about how colleagues, family members, and world leaders might think about changing (for the better, according to me). I can analyze procedures and systems and see a better way of doing just about everything. It’s really quite easy to suggest change for others. We are problem solvers. We can do it. As early childhood professionals, we do do it �" and the scope of our doing extends beyond professional boundaries and includes global initiatives around children and families.
But it’s just so much harder to do the inside work. Gandhi didn’t say, do it. He said, be it. “Be the change . . . .” What does that mean?
Does that mean if I ...