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A Manner of Speaking Jan/Feb '08

by Bonnie Neugebauer
January/February 2008
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/a-manner-of-speaking/5017901/

The task for late November was exploring child care options for four-month-old Zachary. I listened with great interest as his parents, Amy and Matt, had long discussions about their priorities and needs, their hopes and misgivings. It’s not an easy time when new parents have to reorganize their lives, with this tiny person at the center of it all �" and I had both personal and professional investments in the decisions that would be made regarding my grandson.

We talked about family child care and nannies and center care. I shared stories that Amy may have forgotten about my own family child care program, when she was involved in a before- and after-school sort of way. We talked about group care and individual care, comparing benefits and sharing information and feelings.

And then the visits began. I’ve visited countless programs and talked with hundreds of teachers through the years; but this was different, it was personal. And I was eager to see how this would feel and what I might see in a new way.

We met several teachers and they were our focus:

Maria is comfortable and capable, she is very energetic and loves to talk. A teacher for ...

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