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Many early care and education directors occupy small but stressful domains within their organizations, wedged between staff and board. These positions often lead to what has been called role ambiguity resulting in role conflict.I first ran into this phenomenon when serving on my local school committee, wondering why the average life span of a school superintendent in our state was less than three years. School superintendents occupy the same space as child care directors, who are often caught in the same rate of turnover. What is there about these jobs that is so hard? Why do some directors and school superintendents make a career of it and some get caught in the revolving door? What do we know about which behavior in that role creates longevity and which doesn't? I want to explore some ideas with the readers. I hope that many of you will write to me, challenge or agree with what I have written so we can share and learn together.
The generation of these thoughts comes from two books from 30 years ago. While I constantly read the current literature, these remain as classics. The first is Organizational Stress - Studies in Role Conflict and Ambiguity by Kahn, Wolfe, ...