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A Center Director Self-Review Tool - How are You Doing?

by Karen L. Talley
September/October 1997
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Article Link: http://stage.exchangepress.com/article/a-center-director-self-review-tool-how-are-you-doing/5011717/

The idea for a Self-Review for directors was born out of two separate Boston Association for the Education of Young Children initiatives. Members of the Committee on Administrative Leadership and the Director's Breakfast Group began discussing the need for director support and professional development. Eventually, seven members of these groups formed a committee to develop a process and related instruments which would fill the needs expressed by their colleagues.

The process itself is completely self-directed and can take as long as you would like. Above all, it is intended to be a private tool. Rate yourself through your own eyes using the General Survey.

A second approach would be to rate yourself through the eyes of those who are knowledgeable of your professional skills. When you are ready to venture out to others for feedback, duplicate the General Survey for distribution. Prior to duplication, place NR next to those criteria for which you do not have direct responsibility. Once the surveys are complete, they should be returned to you for your own personal analysis.

The surveys are for your information only and can be used in any way which fits your needs. We suggest that after you've had a chance to compile ...

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