Strategic Partners

Exchange collaborates with professional associations related to early childhood care and education to offer special benefits to their members. See our current strategic partners below.

To inquire about becoming a strategic partner, contact us at [email protected].

American Associate Degree Early Childhood Educators (ACCESS)

Harold Washington College
30 E. Lake Street
Chicago, IL 60601

Contact: Carrie Nepstad, Vice President of Collaboration
Phone: 312-553-6095
E-mail: [email protected]

Our purpose is to support and advocate for associate degree programs in the preparation of early childhood professionals who teach and care for young children from birth through age 8 across a variety of programs; and the instructors who teach in those programs. The organization is founded on the belief that learning is a lifelong process and that associate degree programs are an important link in early childhood professional preparation.

Association for Early Learning Leaders

National Association of Child Care Professionals logo

Formerly National Association of Child Care Professionals
1250 South Capital of Texas Hwy
Bldg 3 Ste 400
Austin, Texas 78746

Contact: Lori Buxton, Managing Director
Phone: 1-800-537-1187
Fax: (512) 301-5080
E-mail: [email protected]

Formerly known as the National Association of Child Care Professionals (NACCP), the Association for Early Learning Leaders is the nation's leader among associations serving child care owners, directors, and administrators. The organizations goal is to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and abilities of owners, directors, emerging leaders, and other early learning professionals to ensure quality programs for young children. We accomplish this by providing outstanding programs and resources, such as:

  • Membership - Providing professional development tools and networking opportunities to those leading early care and education programs. Strengthen your knowledge and skills through free monthly Administrative webinars and our quarterly trade journal, Professional Connections TM. Join fellow professionals for training, networking and revitalization at our annual conference and seminar at sea. Access a variety of quality professional resources including legal insights, exclusive member discounts, cost effective CEU online training and quality vendor services.

  • Accreditation -The National Accreditation Commission of the Association for Early Learning Leaders offers early care and education programs the opportunity to demonstrate and document quality performance using research-based criteria. The system recognizes the diversity of programs and promotes the uniqueness of each through the self-study and award process. Association support and resources will guide you to success. Gain National recognition for program excellence. Join the over 1500 programs- Nationwide that have discovered how the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs helped them reach quality programing. For more information on how your program can begin, join a free Intro webinar- Details at We invite you to browse throughout our website to learn more about the opportunities offered by the Association for Early Learning Leaders. Please contact us to learn more about our many offerings. Call us at 800-537-1118 or email [email protected] and let us know how we can assist you and your program!

California Community College Early Childhood Educators

California Community College Early Childhood Educators logo

Child Development
Training Consortium
PO Box 3603
Modesto, CA 95352

Contact: Janell Doorenball, Administrative Specialist
Phone: (209) 548-5724
E-mail: [email protected]

To serve as a dynamic voice for California Community College Early Childhood Education. CCCECE will:

  • Serve as an active stakeholder when decisions are made about ECE workforce development
  • Be the primary ECE teacher preparation/workforce development body
  • Partner actively with other stakeholders and maintain our unique focus and role of representing community colleges
  • Help Shape and track ECE policy development
  • Serve as a resource to child development/early childhood education departments throughout the state

Child Care Aware of America

Child Care Aware of America logo1515 N. Courthouse Road, 11th Floor
Arlington, VA 22201

Contact: Lynette M. Fraga, Ph.D., Executive Director
Phone: (703) 341-4100
Fax: (703) 341-4101
E-mail: [email protected]

Child Care Aware® of America (formerly NACCRRA) is our nation’s leading voice for child care. We work with state and local Child Care Resource and Referral agencies (CCR&Rs) and other partners to ensure that all families have access to quality, affordable child care. Since 1987, Child Care Aware® of America has been working to improve the system of early learning for children by:

  • Providing training, resources and best practices standards to local and state CCR&Rs that support high-quality, accountable services
  • Promoting national policies and partnerships that facilitate universal access to high quality child care
  • Collecting, analyzing, and reporting current child care data and research, including child care supply and demand trends
  • Offering child care and parenting information and resources to families and connecting families to local CCR&R services

Child Care in Health Care

Child Care in Health Care logo 2451 Blairs Landing Road
Uncertain, Texas 75661

Contact: Rose Marie Oliphant, Membership Coordinator
Phone: 903-930-0182
E-mail: [email protected]

Child Care in Health Care is a national organization committed to developing leaders for childcare in the health care community.

To embrace, explore and enhance the unique values of child care programs supporting health care organizations.

CCHC will be the premiere resource for leaders aspiring to offer extraordinary quality in health care, employer supported, early childhood programs, thereby providing value and support to their sponsoring organizations.

CCHC will carry out the mission and vision for its members who are the leaders in early childhood programs supporting health care organizations by:

  • identifying and analyzing member needs and developing benchmarks to collect and assimilate data.
  • educating through dissemination of information on current innovations, best practices, and utilization of benchmark data.
  • offering a variety of networking opportunities utilizing face-to-face and technological methodologies.
  • providing resources, knowledge and strategies that will support and empower members toward promoting the value of the child care program to the sponsoring health care organization.

College and University Work-Life-Family Association

College and University Work-Life-Family Association (CUWFA) logoEAP & Work/Life Programs - Office of the President

Contact: Robynn Pease, President
E-mail: [email protected]

The College and University Work-Life-Family Association (CUWFA) provides information on work/life issues within the specialized environment of higher education. CUWFA offers services to support the diverse group of professionals contributing to the development of work/life programs and policies on campus: human resource administrators, student services administrators, work/family and work/life managers, child care and elder care program directors, senior administrators, faculty, and others.

Early Care and Education Consortium

Early Care and Education Consortium logo1313 L Street, NW
Suite 120
Washington, DC 20005

Contact: M.A. Lucas
Phone: (202) 408-96246
Fax: (202) 408-9627
E-mail: [email protected]

The Early Care and Education Consortium is a non-profit alliance of America’s leading national, regional, and independent providers of quality child care and early learning programs for young children.

ECEC member organizations operate nearly 7,000 centers across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. As the voice for quality early care and education providers at the national level and in the states

ECEC promotes critical investments and smart policies in preK and early learning initiatives, child care assistance for working families, the early education workforce, and quality rating and improvement systems.

Early Childhood Association (ECA)

Early Care and Education Consortium logoSanta Cruz

Contact: Swati Popat Vats
Phone: (981) 985-5124
E-mail: [email protected]

Early Childhood Association (ECA) is a not for profit association providing advocacy, teacher training, parenting and publication. ECA is a body of child experts, teachers, parents and policy makers. It is a body that is non-biased with a large research base and committed to supporting centres with tools and materials. At the Early Childhood Association, we are worried about the future of early childhood care and education in our country as the first six years of a child’s life are globally acknowledged to be the most critical years of lifelong development. The ECA wants to help professionals, teachers, people who deal through their work in balwadis , day care centres, rural teacher training colleges, (basically anyone who contributes directly or indirectly into the caring of a child) and be able to provide them with every type of resources .This could range from information, latest research, training and ideas and perhaps counselling and solutions. ECA is an initiative for ‘stress free childhood years’; after all it is the right of every child. The association is actively present in more than twenty states in India, committed to enrich and safeguard early childhood experiences.

Early Childhood Education Association of Colorado

Early Childhood Education Association of Colorado logo1120 Lincoln St.
Denver, CO 80203

Contact: Kathryn Hammerbeck, Executive Director
Phone: (303) 860-7174
Toll Free: (800) 870-7174
E-mail: [email protected]

The Early Childhood Education Association of Colorado is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support and guidance in the management and administration of child care centers. Established in 1985, ECEA represents over 400 licensed child care centers, preschools, and school-age programs.

Our Mission

To promote the growth, long-term sustainability, and quality of licensed private early childhood education programs for children birth to 12 years. This is achieved through advocacy, education, and legislative representation.

Our Vision

Private early childhood education is an essential part of the educational system, is of high quality, and supports parental choice to meet the needs of Colorado's families and their children.

Evangelical Lutheran Education Association

Evangelical Lutheran Education Association logo500 N Estrella Pkwy
Suite B2, Box 601
Goodyear, AZ 85338

Contact: Gayle Denny, Executive Director
Phone: (800) 500-7644
Fax: (623) 882-8770
E-mail: [email protected]

ELEA serves and advocates for high quality, Christ-centered education in faith-based early childhood centers and schools nationally. Connect. Develop. Inspire.

Minnesota Child Care Association

Evangelical Lutheran Education Association logo1000 Westgate Dr. #252
St. Paul, MN 55114

Contact: Siri Manning,
Assistant Account Executive
Phone: (651) 290-6260
E-mail: [email protected]

The Minnesota Child Care Association (MCCA) provides statewide representation for child care centers on issues affecting the industry and gives them a professional organization for accessing the regulatory agencies. MCCA is committed to being a forceful advocate in conveying child care center concerns to the regulatory decision makers at the state and national levels.

McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership

McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership logo6200 Capitol Drive
Wheeling, IL 60090

Contact: Lindsey Engelhardt, Marketing Manager
Phone: (847) 947-5063

Founded on a $600 grant in 1985 by Dr. Paula Jorde Bloom, the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership at National Louis University is a driving force in improving the quality of early childhood education nationwide.

Mission: The McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership is dedicated to improving the quality of early learning programs through professional development, research and evaluation, and public awareness. We are driven to promote greater understanding of the critical role of early childhood leaders in the provision of quality services for children and families.

Vision: The McCormick Center will serve as an important catalyst for change in transforming individuals, organizations, and external systems to better respond to the needs of children and families. As we implement initiatives that strengthen the leadership capacity of early childhood educators, the McCormick Center serves as a model for promoting collaboration with different funding sources, education and social services agencies, professional development organizations, and institutions of higher education.

We envision a world where every early childhood leader has the knowledge and skills to create a great workplace for staff and administer high-quality programs that strengthen families and promote healthy development and lifelong learning in children.

Focusing Our Vision
April 29 – May 1, 2020
Click to learn more.

National Association for Family Child Care

National Association for Family Child Care logo1743 W. Alexander St.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84119

Contact: Bill Hudson, CEO
Phone: 1-801-886-2322
Fax: (801) 886-2325
E-mail: [email protected]

The National Association for Family Child Care is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting high-quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care.


  • To strengthen state and local associations as the primary support systems for individual family child care providers.
  • To promote a professional accreditation program which recognizes and encourages quality care for children.
  • To represent family child care providers by advocating for their needs and collaborating with other organizations.
  • To promote the diversity in the family child care profession through training, state and local associations, public education, and board membership.
  • To deliver effective programs through strong organizational management.

National Association for Regulatory Administration

National Association for Regulatory Administration logo

910 Glen Falls Court
Newark, Deleware 19711

Contact: Pauline D. Koch
Phone: (302) 234-4152
Fax: (302) 234-4153
E-mail: [email protected]

NARA's purpose is to promote excellence in human care and service regulation through leadership, education, collaboration, and service.

NARA welcomes into its membership human service regulatory professionals, human service providers, universities, allied professions from the health, safety and legal disciplines, consumers, and all others who share our vision: Consumer Protection Through Prevention.

NARA's revised and expanded Licensing Curriculum, 2000 Edition, which was originally published in 1988, is now available. This is the definitive work on human care licensing fundamentals, by practitioners for practitioners and can be ordered online or from the NARA's western office at 651-290-6280.

National Child Care Association

National Child Care Association logo1325 G Street NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

Contact: Linda Kostantenaco, NCCA President
Phone: (800) 543 - 7161
E-mail: [email protected]

The National Child Care Association is a professional trade association focusing on the needs of licensed, private childhood care and education programs. As an alliance of care and education professionals and owners, NCCA is proud to represent interests of the licensed, private childhood education and care community in the United States.

NCCA leads the nation's licensed, private child care and pre-school community while striving for high quality at an affordable cost to parents. NCCA promotes administrative and teacher education at its annual national conference and cooperates with the administration of the Certified Child Care Professional Credential (CCP) and the 45 hours National Administration Credential (NAC).

NCCA is a non-profit professional trade association governed by the membership through a representative Board of Directors. The NCCA Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from its State Association affiliates, national, regional, franchise, and at-large representation.

NCCA promotes public policy that gives parents choice, children access to licensed age appropriate education and care environments, and a skilled and professional workforce.

National Coalition of Campus Children's Centers

National Coalition of Campus Children's Center logo950 Glenn Drive, Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630

Contact: Tonya M Palla, Executive Director
Phone: 877-736-6222
Fax: 916-932-2209
E-mail: [email protected]

The National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers (NCCCC) is a nonprofit educational membership organization. NCCCC supports research and activities affecting college and university early childhood education and service settings, family and work issues, and the field of early childhood education in general. NCCCC expresses this mission through its newsletters, publications, conferences, and grants.

National Indian Child Care Association

National Indian Child Care Association

Contact: Jennifer Rackliff Cyiza
Phone: (202) 577-8485
E-mail: [email protected]

The purpose of the National Indian Child Care Association (NICCA) is to promote high quality culturally relevant child care and development and to unify tribes and tribal organizations by providing leadership, support and advocacy on behalf of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. NICCA enhances the quality of life of Native Children through education, leadership, and advocacy.

The National Workforce Registry Alliance

The National Registry Alliance logo PO Box 58190
Washington, D.C. 20037-8190

Contact: Rose Korr
Phone: 1-605-939-0893
E-mail: [email protected]

The National Registry Alliance's mission is to enhance, strengthen, and support the work of state early childhood and after school registries by providing an interactive forum for networking and information and strategy exchanges.

Our vision is to promote high quality, coordinated, documented, and accessible state career development systems that support a well-trained, well-educated, supported, adequately compensated early childhood and afterschool workforce.

North Carolina Licensed Child Care Association

The National Registry Alliance logo 3801 Lake Boone Trail, Suite 190
Raleigh, NC 27607

Contact: Linda Piper, Executive Director
Phone: (252) 234-5945

Fax: (888) 420-9699
E-mail: [email protected]

NCLCCA is the only organization in the state representing licensed child care providers. We are a membership organization providing timely information and updates about issues impacting your center so that you can do your job each day and provide quality early education environments for children and families. We have legislative representation on the ground in Raleigh and NCLCCA staff working hard on issues related to rulemaking, subsidy, rated license, NC Pre-K and more.

We work to ensure a successful future for young children and their families by working to ensure the success of those who provide licensed early care and education.

Ohio Association of Child Care Providers (OACCP)

OMEP-USNC logo5815 Westbourne Avenue,
Columbus, OH 43213

Contact: MaryAnn Rody
Phone: (440) 367-4409
E-mail: [email protected]

The Ohio Association of Child Care Providers represents the Directors and Business Owners of over 600 licensed child care centers. Our members educate and care for over 50,000 of Ohio's youngest citizens, including private pay and publicly funded children, who are served in faith-based, for-profit and non-profit programs.


OMEP-USNC logoPO Box 2272
Woodbridge, VA 22195

Contact: Jean Simpson, President
Phone: (703) 593-7676
Fax: (703) 878-7416
E-mail: [email protected]

OMEP-USNC stands for the World Organization for Early Childhood Education as it is written in French or Spanish, and its United States National Committee (affiliate).

OMEP's mission-into-practice is to promote the optimum conditions for all children, in order to ensure their well-being, development and happiness, both within their family unit and the wider communities in which they live. To that end, OMEP supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Its members work actively toward its US ratification, assists undertakings which improve early childhood education and child welfare, and supports research which can make a relevant difference in the lives of early childhood educators and the children they serve. OMEP-USNC members are active at the United Nations in New York, collaborate with other like-minded colleagues in the US and around the world, and promote Universal Children’s Day on November 20 each year.

OMEP, founded in 1948 to advise the United Nations on early childhood issues, is the only world-wide, non-governmental organization (NGO) that focuses on young children, ages 0-8. Currently represented in 70 countries and co-operating with other international organizations with similar aims, OMEP is represented world-wide at the meetings of UNESCO, UNICEF, the Council of Europe and ECOSOC. Annual conferences are held in various countries. OMEP-USNC sponsors college student groups, co-sponsors an annual Children’s Film Literacy Festival with NAEYC, and responds when needed to crisis events affecting children around the globe.

Professional Association for Childhood Education (PACE)

PACE logo

1 Capitol Mall, Suite 800 | Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 669-5311
Fax: (916) 444-7462
E-mail: [email protected]

The Professional Association for Childhood Education is a non-profit membership-based professional association in California for private childcare providers. As a leading advocate on early education, PACE represents its members on the state and national level. Every year, PACE hosts a variety of events including leadership seminars, a statewide annual conference, regional training, and roundtable "hot topic" discussions that can reach over 500 participants. In addition, PACE provides member exclusive access to discounted insurance, and purchasing programs.

Pennsylvania Child Care Association (PACCA)

PACCA logo

Contact: Diane P. Barber | Director
Phone: (717) 657-9000 x 150
E-mail: [email protected]

PACCA, the Pennsylvania Child Care Association (PACCA) is a statewide non-profit membership organization. We exist to be a strong and effective voice for quality early care and education programs, and to give leadership and support to those organizations that assist the Early Childhood Education community, families, and children in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA)

Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) logoPO Box 55930
Little Rock, Arkansas 72215-5930

Contact: Glenda Bean
Phone: (800) 305-7322
Fax: (501) 227-5297
E-mail: [email protected]

The Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) is a regional organization committed to promoting quality care and education for young children and their families. SECA is committed to providing leadership and support to individuals and groups by: Enhancing the quality of young children's lives through early childhood care and education. Supporting families in their roles of caring for their children. Fostering the professional growth and status of individuals working with young children and their families. Increasing public understanding and support for policies and programs which ensure developmentally based services to young children and their families. Focusing on Southern issues concerning children and families.